In Moon 2.x you can create an unlimited number of separate namespaces for browsers, one for every team, and then configure Moon to launch browsers in these namespaces. Namespaces can be considered as projects that can have some limited number of computing resources assigned by Kubernetes administrator. Kubernetes solves this problem by introducing namespaces. Limiting the number of browsers is the same as limiting the number of CPUs and memory available for every team. A common problem is limiting the maximum number of browsers available for every team. However, the same Moon cluster is often being used by different teams. Moon 1.x allows to run all browsers in one Kubernetes namespace. Is it possible to test HTTPS web applications with self-signed TLS certificates?

Is it possible to use Moon with private Docker registry? Is it possible to assign custom firewall rules to browser pods? Is it possible to configure Kubernetes service account for Moon?

How to update configuration of a running Moon cluster? Setting Custom User and Group Identifier to Browser Pods Using Additional Trusted TLS Certificates